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Criminology Overview
At Chatham, we teach criminology from a broader perspective of understanding that includes how cultural, emotional, physiological, and experiential differences contribute to violence and victimization.
— CHRISTINE SARTESCHI, Ph.D., professor of social work and criminology

Alumna Profile: Hannah Gross '16
“I wanted to pursue medical school and my double major in biology and criminology set me apart from other applicants. As a future doctor, I believe having knowledge of how society and culture impact and drive crime is crucial to understanding various populations. My criminology courses stimulated my interest in forensic medicine and these passions have carried through my first year of medical school.” —Hannah Gross ‘16
Explore the Criminology Degree:

Real Life Experience
Chatham is involved with two nationally recognized cold case groups in which students have the opportunity to work on real, unsolved murder and missing person investigations.

Summer Opportunities
Students can apply for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, an eight-week program that funds students to work directly with faculty on their research.

Making a Difference on Campus
Students in the Integrative Capstone course have worked on research with direct impact on the Chatham campus community—including an evaluation of gendered language in University policy/documents, design and implementation of data collection strategies for a campus climate survey, and design of a campus survey on gender and sexual violence prevalence.

Internship Opportunities
Students have completed internships at organizations including the FBI, Family Links, Pittsburgh Police, Allegheny County District Attorney’s office, Allegheny County Mental Health Court, Justice Related Services of Allegheny County, Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s Office, and PA State Parole and Probation.

Faculty in the News
Faculty in the criminology program are frequently consulted by local and national media.
Read More About Faculty : Checkerboard 5 - Faculty in the News
Graduate Studies
Students have entered graduate programs at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, University of Central Florida, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice.